Category Archives: Health

Beast Mamas: Mother Daughter Bond

Stefanie Hults is a mother on a mission to create tasty gluten-free snacks after learning about her daughter’s and entire family’s gluten sensitivity. She partnered with her youngest daughter Chelsea and together created the brand Tosi. An organic, vegan health bar made from nuts and seeds. In this episode, I sit down with the mother-daughter […]


Your hormones are likely balanced when you are feeling great and looking your best. If the scale starts to tip and some hormones elevate while others dip out of normal range, you’ll likely feel it. Hormone imbalance can create a range of symptoms, includingfatigue, irritability, weight loss or weight gain, cravings, bloating, accumulation of belly […]

Drowning Out The Noise

Social media has taken a toll on the average person’s psyche. American work expectations have created resentment and a desire for reinvention. Life in the United States continues to dissociate between what I believe are two different mindsets: “gaming capitalists” and the “off- gridders.” One is willing to fight the fight within a system of […]

Creativity & Innovation

If you love nature, you likely have well-developed five senses, intuition, environmental awareness, and reflexes. The concept of green also signifies a sense of community and sharing, Being consciously aware of surrounding nature is one of the ingredients to developing a creative environment. It allows us to create by captivating the eyes, mind, and heart. […]

Balancing Health & Hormones

Balancing your health and hormones is more achievable than you may think. Balancing your health includes: • Eating a nutrient-dense diet.• Incorporating regular movement daily.• Being an active part of a community with friends and family.• Making time for play and self-care.• Having a centering practice such as expressing gratitude.• A healthy lifestyle will help […]