Author Archives: Joan Moran


Is your age showing? Are you anxious because you are acting older than you are, feeling older, or are you becoming irrelevant and invisible?You are showing your age if you buy into the clichés of aging. If you are, it’s time to let go of your fears and anxieties. It’s time you turn your life […]

Creativity & Innovation

If you love nature, you likely have well-developed five senses, intuition, environmental awareness, and reflexes. The concept of green also signifies a sense of community and sharing, Being consciously aware of surrounding nature is one of the ingredients to developing a creative environment. It allows us to create by captivating the eyes, mind, and heart. […]


As we approach the year’s end, it is an excellent time to examine, redefine or re-set your vision of success. Or, as my teenage grandson says to me, “How’s it going, Gran?”  December brings many deep, personal emotions that resonate far beyond the holiday season. Some of these feelings relate to holiday preparations, buying gifts […]

Pause and Reflect

The Power of Gratitude During the Holidays Meister Eckhart, a 13th century mystic, wrote, “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” The holiday season is always an appropriate time to take a few minutes, pause, and reflect on the gifts you’ve been given, the people you […]

Managing Your Expectations

My last three conversations with my besties have been about managing expectations. It surprised me. Even though my women friends span generations, it was encouraging to hear them say that managing expectations were the most important avenue to reducing stress level and living a happy and more fulfilled life. It is a rarity that you […]

Aging with Mental Clarity

The idea that you can retain the power to stretch your mind after you are 60 and still have the ability to mentally defend yourself against the negative influences that often pervade your consciousness will powerfully increase your sense of self and well-being. Mind stretching is the process of teaching the brain a new way […]

5 Practices for Mental Fortitude

It is a myth that you are born with characteristics that make you mentally strong throughout your life. As you grow and develop your personality, you develop mental strength with practice, grit, and intention. You have the power to defend against the negative influences that pervade your conscious as well as the unconscious mind, often […]