Author Archives: Portia Ingram

Drowning Out The Noise

Social media has taken a toll on the average person’s psyche. American work expectations have created resentment and a desire for reinvention. Life in the United States continues to dissociate between what I believe are two different mindsets: “gaming capitalists” and the “off- gridders.” One is willing to fight the fight within a system of […]

Are You Ready To Meet Your Goals

Year after year, we are bombarded with questions about our goals for the upcoming year. Social media posts like “New Year, New Me” are cued up as we speak. We all have the right idea to make positive changes. However, have you planned for them? Few people plan for the things they want to manifest […]

Importance of Playtime

I don’t know if you have children, but if you do, you could agree it’s a wild ride. Leaning into parenthood can start one of the fastest evolutions of oneself in a lifetime. We go through many cycles of ourselves to create the whole being- the Oneness of ourselves. But parenthood, as I see it, […]

Scrunchy Mama

When I heard the term “scrunchy momma,” I was highly tickled. A melding of the words “crunchy” and “silky” moms (one inclined to use nature-based babycare while the other not so much), I’ve found this term quite fitting as I reflect on this past year of life as a mom.  As my daughter turns one, […]

Hatha Yoga

When I think of Yoga, early mornings, chanting, and people sitting in what elementary school teachers would call criss-cross apple sauce style come to mind. Most westerners practice Hatha Yoga. This form of Yoga encompasses postures and the breath. Physical postures called “asanas” and the breathing techniques called “pranayama” serve to unite the body and […]